How my control journal makes me fabulous!

Hello my pretties!

I'm fixin' to go to NY tomorrow morning early. I only just found out about this trip this morning. I am SO forever grateful for my work control journal. I have about 18 hours of production that needs to be covered while I'm gone and because I FLY and keep a control journal it was not even a problem sending my coverage information to my boss. You just never know when you are going to need that information. It is invaluable when you do need it.

Speaking of needing, I need all of you so very much. It only dawns on me when I haven't been in a chat with you or able to read my emails for awhile. I want you to know how very important you are to me and that I really do appreciate every one of you who read this blog and FLY. I have never known such a wonderful and loving group.

Speaking of group, do you know that it is very difficult for me to be comfortable in a large group? I am very good at speaking in front of one, but that one on one situation in a large group with people mingling or waiting to talk really makes me anxious. I tend to zone out. The last FlyFest Kim (Sensory Nanny) caught me zoning and it was hysterical. She actually called my name a few times and was like OK Nikki, time for you to get out of this building and relax. I love her very much. I'm so glad she gets me.

Speaking of me, It's time for me to go to bed. I colored my calendar and it is now blue (the color I chose for sleep time). I am really trying to stay focused so I can remain fabulous. Even when it's difficult. I think Marla will be proud of me as I'm only 39 minutes late. HEY, for me that is a huge milestone! I promise to write from NY. I get to participate in a huge conference at Columbia School of Journalism and broadcast live over BlogTalkRadio. My goal is no technical issues and being fabulous. Do you think I can do it? FlyLady does. I believe her.

Nikki out

Things are changing...everything.

Things are changing...Everything.

I hear it in the breeze as it weeps through the trees and I feel it in the raindrops falling from sad skies. I see it in everyone's eyes and I hear it in all of their voices. I even read it in their poetry (or lack thereof) and view it in their pieces of art. What was light is now dark, what was joy becomes mourn. I feel the weight of this change like a noose around my heart.

Things are changing...Everything.

I'm not quite sure how to put my finger on the pulse of what is happening, but I know for sure something is. It may be the collective conscious of our country because of the precarious economic times we are all facing. Perhaps it's the fact the world is becoming more aware of her own mortality. She isn't getting better. She knows if we keep abusing her she won't be around forever. Maybe her own mortality is reminding us of ours? I'm not quite sure.

Things are changing...Everything.

I'm very aware of my true destiny. I am certain that it will never change. I also understand sometimes in our lives we have relationships which don't last forever. Sometimes the Universe places us in someone's life for a very specific reason and for a very specific time. It's not my place to argue with the Universe. Even if I want more, longer, forever, eternal...

Things are changing...Everything.

I love my life and where I am right now at this very moment. It's been a long and difficult journey to finally get here. I'm tired and I just assumed this was where I would be. You know...where I would end. I've been there, done that. I have no more MORE. My more is here. This is where I am. This is who I am. However, it's not just about me. I am now a part of a we. I might be too much further ahead than he.

Things are changing...Everything.

There is a time and a place for everything. Isn't that what "they" always say. Whoever the hell "they" are. After some soul searching and self reflection I have decided that statement is not true in these times of change. I think there is a time and a place for some things.

For me, my everything? It's changing. Time to be fabulous.

Nikki out

Twilight Star Taylor Lautner on BlogTalkRadio tonight!

Hello there my pretties. This has been quite a day and it's not even over. I've been struggling to be fabulous since 8am...

So, check this out! Stardish Radio , in partnership with Walmart and BlogTalkRadio are proud to present a live interview with Taylor "Jacob" Lautner. In case you've been living under a rock for the past 5 months (or you're as busy as I am and never get a chance to catch a movie) Taylor is the warewolf star of Twilight! Not only will Taylor be live and taking calls, we will be giving away DVD's of Twilight. Make sure to listen so you can win!

I am thrilled to be included in the production of this amazing show. Everyone at BlogTalkRadio, along with Walmart and Joann from Stardish, have worked very hard to make this happen. I know it will certainly be a show you don't want to miss! I do hope y'all can make it tonight. Show time is 9pm EST. Click here to listen live!

*Focusing on being fabulous, one

It only took me 6 days to write this first post

This blog is supposed to be about how focus makes me fabulous. The ironic thing is it has taken me 6 days to write. I actually have to LOL when I think about it. I've had this tab open in my browser for 6 days trying to complete it. Don't get me wrong, it's not because I procrastinated or because I didn't want to write it. It's simply because I am in a cycle of 3 steps forward 2 steps back. I know y'all understand that cycle. I sat down several times to complete it and something else more important came up. I have deadlines for work, family to attend too, a DBF who needs a kiss now and then. I really don't mean to neglect being fabulous, it's just sometimes other things get in the way.

I actually asked a very good friend to remind me to post this blog and I haven't heard back from her since the day I asked. That was Thursday afternoon. I bet she had as many things come up as I did. In fact, I feel very guilty for even suggesting she remind me because like me, she is a SHE. All my best plans seem to fail. The GOOD thing is, no matter how long this post ends up being, I am hitting submit on this darn blog post. At least then I can cross "Post Focus makes me Fabulous Blog" off my list.

Speaking of lists, did you know that lists can be a cause of great stress? I actually find them quite helpful when they are completed, and quite disturbing when they stare me in the face un crossed off. I'm not the type of person who enjoys seeing what I HAVE NOT completed. I know it might motivate people to see a list of 10 things that need to be done, however, for me, it only intimidates me and causes me anxiety. If it weren't for FlyLady and her loving advice I know I wouldn't be where I am today. Hmm...where am I today? Oh yes, I'm writing a blog about how focusing on the task at hand helps you be fabulous. See, even as I'm trying to focus I digress...

Basically, in a nutshell, what this blog will be is a peek into my daily life. If I can write everyday that is. A peek at how The FlyLady system (including Kelly, Leanne, Leslie, Pam, Jonathan, Tamara, and Kim) have all helped me realize that I am not alone and that my struggle truly is theirs. When you hear Marla say fluttering is flying she really means it. When Jonathan tells us there is NO Excuse, he truly lives it, and when Leanne promises meal planning will help us save money and have more time to play, SHE is right.

Listen here y'all, I am just one little example of how these people have changed my life. I don't pretend to know anything about anything except this...Focus really does make you fabulous. Routines rock, and when you finally love yourself you have the ability to give back.

I guess that's all I have to say tonight. I thank the Fly Family for all they have taught me, and especially Marla for loving me in spite of myself.

Live, love, laugh, share and pay it forward!
