Things are changing...Everything.
I hear it in the breeze as it weeps through the trees and I feel it in the raindrops falling from sad skies. I see it in everyone's eyes and I hear it in all of their voices. I even read it in their poetry (or lack thereof) and view it in their pieces of art. What was light is now dark, what was joy becomes mourn. I feel the weight of this change like a noose around my heart.
Things are changing...Everything.
I'm not quite sure how to put my finger on the pulse of what is happening, but I know for sure something is. It may be the collective conscious of our country because of the precarious economic times we are all facing. Perhaps it's the fact the world is becoming more aware of her own mortality. She isn't getting better. She knows if we keep abusing her she won't be around forever. Maybe her own mortality is reminding us of ours? I'm not quite sure.
Things are changing...Everything.
I'm very aware of my true destiny. I am certain that it will never change. I also understand sometimes in our lives we have relationships which don't last forever. Sometimes the Universe places us in someone's life for a very specific reason and for a very specific time. It's not my place to argue with the Universe. Even if I want more, longer, forever, eternal...
Things are changing...Everything.
I love my life and where I am right now at this very moment. It's been a long and difficult journey to finally get here. I'm tired and I just assumed this was where I would be. You know...where I would end. I've been there, done that. I have no more MORE. My more is here. This is where I am. This is who I am. However, it's not just about me. I am now a part of a we. I might be too much further ahead than he.
Things are changing...Everything.
There is a time and a place for everything. Isn't that what "they" always say. Whoever the hell "they" are. After some soul searching and self reflection I have decided that statement is not true in these times of change. I think there is a time and a place for some things.
For me, my everything? It's changing. Time to be fabulous.
Nikki out
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